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Day Care

Developmental Milestones

Do you know the milestones that babies and toddlers typically reach by certain ages? These milestones can help you monitor your child’s development for possible signs of a delay. If your child has a disability or delay that is keeping them from reaching those milestones, Montana Milestones is here to help!

1-2 Months

  • Turns head in direction that cheek is touched

  • Startles easily in response to a loud noise

  • Pays attention to a face in the direct line of sight

3-4 Months

  • Makes sounds other than crying

  • Rolls from stomach to back

  • Turns head toward bright light and color

4-6 Months

  • Reaches for and grasps objects

  • Moves toys from hand to hand

  • Smiles in response to others

6-9 Months

  • Creeps or crawls forward on tummy

  • Babbles and laughs out loud

  • Sits independently

9-12 Months

  • Crawls on hands and knees

  • Walks with both hands held

  • Imitates simple sounds, waves “bye-bye”

12-15 Months

  • Says words besides “mama” and “dada”

  • Walks without help

  • Drinks from cup or glass

15-18 Months

  • Looks at picture books, turns pages

  • Feeds self with spoon

  • Tries to talk and repeat words

18-24 Months

  • Uses 2-3 word sentences

  • Shows affection, offers hugs and kisses

  • Says “no” often

24-30 Months

  • Can tell own age

  • Recognizes when another is happy or sad

  • Washes and dries hands and face

30-36 Months

  • Can count to five

  • Can describe what he or she is doing

  • Repeats rhymes, songs or dances for others

*Listed above are some typical developmental milestones, but they are not meant to represent all milestones. You can find a comprehensive list of social/emotional, language/communication, cognitive, and physical milestones on the CDC website.

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