About Benchmark Montana Milestones
Your baby deserves a good start in life. But sometimes that good start in life is interrupted when you, your doctor, or others have concerns about your child’s development. That’s when Benchmark Human Services’ Montana Milestones Early Intervention Program can help. Montana Milestones offers a broad range of services for children ages birth to 3 who have a medical diagnosis, delay in development, or risk factor that may cause a delay. Through this program, children receive the assistance they need to help them achieve important developmental milestones for success in life. Services may include developmental and speech therapies, audiology, physical and occupational therapies, nutrition education, transportation, social work, family education, vision, assistive technology, nursing, and psychological services.
Benchmark Human Services (Benchmark), was established in 1960 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and has served individuals with disabilities and behavioral health needs since that time. Our mission is to help people live as independently as possible, be included in their communities, and reach their maximum potential. Our 3,400+ employees serve over 10,000 individuals throughout 17 states and the District of Columbia through a variety of programs and services. To learn more about Benchmark, please visit our website at BenchmarkHS.com.
Benchmark Montana Milestones supports Cascade, Teton, Choteau, Pondera, Hill, Blaine, Liberty, Toole, Glacier, Flathead, Lincoln, Lake, Sanders, Mineral, Missoula, Ravalli, and Granite Counties. Services are provided in the child’s environment, at home, daycare, or wherever your child learns, plays, and grows!